Will you be enticed if you hear that there is a head-to-head between Balla Gaye II and Tapha Tine? If yes, then we are sure you are a big fan of Senegal wrestling, and if not, you might be after reading this post.
The sport that started in a village has now turned out to be a sport that people worldwide love to watch and play. It combines mysticism with strength and is very different from the usual wrestling that you have seen.
Continue to read below to find out everything you need to know about this amazing sport.
Originated by the Serer People of western central Senegal, Senegal Wrestling started off as a part of the harvest festival celebrations, and whoever won the final round was determined the strongest man in the village. He was praised as the champion and would receive cattle, grain, along with a few other generational ornaments as winning gifts.
It would happen each year, and the new champion would receive the generational ornaments from the previous one, and this went on for generations in Senegal until today, when it has become a national sport. It has become a strong sport played by thousands of people in Africa. Not only that, these matches are live-streamed on TVs, and people across the country are glued to their screens for hours. Stadiums are filled with fans, and according to them, these matches are what make them excited about the sport because they are filled with thrill and curiosity.
Since the sport has become one of the national sports in the country, it has its own set of rules that all players must follow. These rules are made with inspiration from the history of wrestling and are only there to make the game more interesting.
The rules are basic, the game is supposed to be played in a sandy arena with a boundary that is made with sandbags. A fight should last as long as one of the players falls to the ground with his head, back, or butt touching the ground. And rest is the same as fighting. The goal is to put the other person on the ground, and you are good to go!
Also, there’s a catch. You can hit anywhere on the body of the other person, including the face, and that too with your bare hands. Also, because there’s so much at stake, Senegal Wrestlers are paid large amounts of money from their sponsors, and the winners are given national fame!
As we mentioned, the sport was originated by villagers and was a practice during the yearly celebrations. There are a few rituals that need to be followed before the game. Before the game begins, the wrestlers are supposed to coat a special liquid on their bodies that has magical properties.
As the wrestler moves towards the ring, he is escorted by a group of marabouts who sing his praises and present him gris-gris, the magical charms he has to wear around his waist during the fight. Moreover, the wrestler performs a traditional oral art performance called Bakk to the tunes of the marabouts’ singing to intimidate his opponent.
In a world where multiple types of sports are played, Senegal Wrestling has been picking up pace since it originated and will find its due share of fame in the coming years. The culture has been followed for centuries, and we are sure this will be practiced globally in the upcoming years!
Join our black travel group to Senegal, as you will have an opportunity to witness Senegal wrestling. For more information on any of our upcoming tours, check us out
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